veryyyyyy cute right?!
this pic's abit blur cos i took it from a photo.
They're sweet, lovely , cute and smart! hahas.
1st and 2nd day of the camp we merely did the 分配角色,
and a rough run-through with the kids scene by scene.
2nd day was real short , very rush ah.
3rd day , Yesterday ,
we practice over and over again. Until they remember,
then was the performance. ahas.
4th day , they went for picnic , last time we'll be seeing them
for the day , and for the camp ):
My sweet kids!
Ding Jean陈瑾, a shy girl , looks really sweet when she laughs . hahas.
Janessa Tan Hui En陈惠恩,she's quiet .
Jessica Glazov Hui Ting慧婷, she's really quiet too.
Kenneth Chan Xian Liang曾宪亮, he's shy ,but a nice boy (:
Kow Jun Wen Jarrett高俊文, big and nice eyes. loudddd too.lols.
Kuwabara Tsusha桑原宙翔, a clever and cute boy !
Lee Yao En李耀恩, Naughtyyyy.hahas.
Ng Zhong Wen Sean黄崇恩, he's a really nice and sweet boy.
Chua Tze Xin John蔡智信, very funny actions.
Huang Jing Xun Tristan黄劲勋, he's a gentle boy.lols
Wong Tze Xiang王智翔, VERY cute smile.
Reuben Ang Ding Ernn洪鼎恩, love to eat alot.
Justyn Tan Ren Jie陈仁杰, my little handsome boy.hahas.
No words can really describe the fun i had with the kids.
Those kids are really adorable!
although the time i interact with them is not very long ,
but i really really really do enjoy myself!
in the afternoon we had our lunch then the amazing race within the school started.
soo cheng and i took charge of group4 for the race.
Had fun with them too(:
Especially the 'brothers' -- Bryan and Benjamin.
Benjamin look so cute.
Other kids are also very nice .
Then after that was dinner then 小品练习(rehearsal for our group3 performance)
we used 孟母三迁 for our story line. HAHAS.
I thought of it ! lols.
We had 4 scenes,
first was the introduction and giving birth of 孟母和孟子,
then second was the scene at graveyard , people crying and talking to the 'dead'.
third was at the market , 2 butcher selling a meat to a buyer.
fourth was at the school , one teacher and 4 children.
We rehearsed alot of time , hahas ,
My kids done a GREAT job! hahas!
they remembered all the 台词,
steady steady lo . ahahhas.
Lots of nice and fun stuff happened during the group rehearsal and performance.
after the performance of all groups is the prize giving ceremony.
Okay, my great kids did very very very well!
other kids also do very well (:
(But i love my kids best.hahas)
Group 3 got 1st for the amazing race ,
1st for the 小品(performance),
and a prize for behaving well !
WOHOH. (sorry ,but i feel very high when mention my great kids!)
TzeXiang (one of them) said sth to me when he went down to get the prizes,
"i prayed to the god!"
hahas, he's very very very cute right?!
Sweet moves of my group3 kids:
崇恩ask me whether we're going for the pinic with them ,
then i joked with him that we dont have food ,
then he say he want to help us prepare or give us his share!
ahhh! so sweet right?!
then he say we Must go Must go.
宙翔call me 美丽的rilla . lols.
then when this morning i took tzexiang's waterbottle and ask him to
give it to me as a gift , then he say cannot -.-
then he exchange a stick for his waterbottle . lols,
but just around 6+ pm he called him to ask what i'm doing.
sweet right? ahahs.
宙翔和仁杰each gave me one of their prize as a gift!
gosh , very sweet. hahahahas!
宙翔和仁杰 had a CO rehearsal in the afternoon after the breakcamp,
whenever they have any breaks , they'll walk around,
i suppose they did look for us cos
when we're at the very last floor , they manage to find us there ,
just to wave goodbye to us!
OHMY! SWEEEEEEET .they waved not once , not twice ,
but lots of time !
then both of them was pushing each other to say something ,
finally one of them said out shy-ly "byebye!"
hahas. cute la.
AND. 宪亮 sms-ed me after the camp ,
and said somthing ,
"will we ever see u again ?:-("
My heart totally melted.
and alot of things happened , too much to be said ,
but kept in my heart, My sweet little kids!
Photos to be posted after this week . hahas.
Just now went eat Sakae Sushi with Soocheng , Jingfang and Shiaotze.
VERY FULL . lols.
Soocheng and Shiaotze really do have a BIG APPETITE. hahas.
ate alot.
not i'm so scared of sashimi . ahahas.
Please people , dont mention or ask any sad things before the test.
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