I went there with Mummy, Aunt and Aunt's friend, Auntie Sandy.
We joined CHAN BROTHERS tour group to Korea.
(DAY 0)
We're in the F Group!
Auntie Sandy called ourselves the F4. HAHA.
We met up with our Singapore Tour leader, Peter Nah,at Changi Airport.
Air ticket!
The start of my grow-fat holiday trip. HAHA.
Peter Nah's waving,
Xiao qu's 'taking attendance',
Kingkong's looking around.
Breakfast was on our own.
We end up eating super expensive breakfast for the first day.
Mummy spent around 30+ SGD just for our breakfast. LOL.
and when i started talking, there's "smoke" coming out from my mouth.
It's cooling there! No, I should say it's COLD there.
niceeeee (:
We took a long ride before we reached our first station,
It's a wonderland in Korea! SO SO SO Beautiful there.
Lots to see and lots to play!
We off to watch the Liger (:
The animals inside are all walking around freely.
We took a bus ride in, and these animals are walking just side by side with the bus,
without any fence, so cool.
(Look at these animals with a different point of view, and you'll find them interesting.
Think of them as animals living in Korea! do they look interesting now? hahas.)
I ate the first Kimchi in Korea.
After that we ate Kimchi almost every meal, for 7 days.
It's tasty with rice! (:
i thought of taking a picture with one of them,
and this guy so happen to walk pass, so i asked him to take a pic with me!
On our way there, when everyone's on bus,
our tour guide 小曲,damn cute,
cos most of the people were sleeping on bus after 7 hours of air ride,
he said: "上车睡觉,小车尿尿。" LOL
So rhyme.
Heritage Park:
It's cooling there, it's windy there, it's refreshing up there.
She stick the Warm-pack directly onto my skin, LOL.
She thought that's the way how it is used to keep the body warm,
but in fact we should stick it on the shirt -.-
sian ttm.
We went fruit farm after we check out from MUJU Hotel.
Strawberry farm. hahas.
That day was the most strawberry I ate! hehheh.
The farmers there are very generous! hahas.
They kept hand-signing to us, asking us to eat more(:
we went had our lunch. TOFU SOUP.
Best tofu soup i've ever tasted so far.
After lunch, we went Donghwa Temple.
Wasn't able to finish shopping within an hour plus. hahas.
Went spaaaaa (:
We were not suppose to wear anything during the spa session.
seriously i was so nervous at first,
but yah everyone's the same, what'e there to be scared of right?
It's just that I had more fats than people only. LOL!!
The water in there is HOT.
I was sweating all the way, but it was a good experience. hahas.
Gotta see it for yourself, and you'll definitely be amazed by it's beauty (:
Kingkong and I.
There's a railway there, both sides filled up with 樱花树,很有感觉哦!
ohmygod, i love that place!
so we went to 龙头山公园 for some shopping and sight-seeing.
It's quite cold over there in South Korea,
that's why i'm wrapping myself up like some bandits. hahas.
I love the temperature there,
I love the weather there.
Although it's sunny there, but it's cold. hehheh.
cos it'll cause the 4-wheel bike to move on at a high speed.
When i was on the 4-w bike, i started by pressing a bit,
but it doesn't seem to be moving ):
So I pressed harder, and... THE BIKE FLEW OFF.
Gosh, then they second time i tried to start the bike, I banged into another bike.
I am told to wait at a side.
Then this cute Korean guy came sitting behind me after everyone left.
I guess he's in-charge of driving me around on the bike, in case I knock onto anyone or flying off my seat. lols.
Everyone took the same route, all the slopes we quite gentle,
but that guy brought me to another route, with all the steep slopes,
we went flying up and down, doing stunts.
DAMN FUN. hahas!
Although I wasn't able to drive on my own,
but i got to enjoy all the 快感and刺激 of the bike flying all over the place
(erhem, and with a cute guy!) LOLS.
I always drool when i watch Korean dramas, especially when they're eating,
and now i got a chance to taste it myself. WEEHEE.cos the sauce will drip out any moment! hahas.
But there seems to be a communication break-down. hahas.
(there's cute guys in korea!lol.)
顾名思义, it's mysterious. LOL.
This is a up-hill slope, but when any vehicle is on this slope, without starting it's engine,
that vehicle will automatically go up-hill !
we were on the bus and the driver stopped the bus engine,
the bus really move upwards by itself !
actually auntie sandy was helping me to throw the flower petals around to
make the 樱花飘落 effect. HAHA.
This is where the Korea Emperor once lived.
actually they look a bit like chinese structures.
Different building is used for different purposes.
It's interesting! (:
We made our own Kimchi (:
This was after the Kimchi making session, everyone got a chance to wear 韩服
and take some pictures. hahas.
Mummy and I.
but it's high up somewhere,
where you can view beautiful scenery from the top.
Awesome view!
Ladies love that place i guess. hahas.
All the cosmetics and stuff there are cheaper than Singapore,
they say it's around half the price ?
We got a complimentary bag after buying over 500,000 won worth of things.
damn scary, mummy and aunt bought them like nobody's business. HAHA.
but cos it's cheaper there, so everyone was grabbing.
Mummy's so attracted by this.
we ate thrice after we came to Korea.
The taste is quite different from what we eat in Singapore.
(Maybe cos I'm in Korea, got the different atmosphere, the taste got better. hahas.)
This is another awesome place in Korea,
another wonderland. HAHA.
There's a big LOTTE WORLD just beside the hotel.
I think that place is where 天国的阶梯 is filmed?
It's a BIGBIGBIG playground there (:
Kingkong took out this super 神奇的药贴.
Notice there's a flower pattern on the plaster?
Once the flower is gone, the pain will go away. Style righttt. hahaha!
bought some tidbits back from korea. hehheh.
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