Last Thursday was the most 'painful' day ever I guess.
Early in the morning that day, I met up with tennis comm
at the library for the camp discussion. As usual, nothing
special happened. Then we went for lunch, chat rubbish
on the way, then accompanied Yu Chuan to CC.
So far so good, no pain anywhere, then we went Studio 27.
Sat there for some time, but Joshua and I decided to go to
the courts earlier to do some exercise ( lols, cos I ate too much
that day) hahahas.
Then the pain came...
When I started playing, I felt the cramp,
I thought maybe it's because I'm too full or something,
so I continued. But after some time, I can hardly run,
then I suppose I've got a super black face by then,
when joshua was teaching me some techniques. Lols.
Sorry president! Wasn't unhappy about anyhing, but just
because the pain became unbearable ): lols.
The pain was to the extend that I couldn't walk to the toilet
when I'm already halfway there. Pain to the max!
I'm stucked in the toilet, sitting down, damn panic.
I was still hoping there'll be someone walking into the toilet
cos I need my handphone to call my dad..
Then there was this Indian auntie walking into the cubicle,
bathing. I'm so happy la! But, apparently she's bathing
slowly, until I cannot ta-han, stood up an tried walking
out of the toilet.
Lucky me, I saw Yuchuan and Weihong, and that's the first
time I see them glowing! Hahahahaa! Okay, so yuchuan took
my bag over and I called my dad.
Dad then send me to SGH. The pain was so unbearable that
I can hardly walk fast of sit and stand too frequently. Lols.
The best part is, I cannot laugh, once I laugh, it'll cramp more.
While we were walking in the hospital, dad saw me having a difficult
time walking, and of course I'm too heavy for him to carry, he turned
and said with a smile, : " 加油!你可以的!" Funny to the max!
After the consulation, the doctor said that it is an infection ):
Consultaion fee (Just for consulting the doctor) : 90 bucks.
I joked about it, telling my dad that 90 bucks can buy some concert
ticket, then he replied : " 可以买两张啊( in a funny tone)! "
Back home, my sister was still laughing at me. Trying to make me
giggle and add on the my cramp. Evil her. Lols.
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