went out with her today, one word -- AWESOME.
I love this girl a lot, from primary one, the 2 mushroom head till now,
we have proven that our friendship's still as strong as ever.
an awesome day started with ms toh being a bit late,
which is quite rare to happen, cos I'm always the one being late ;p
we met at bukit panjang plaza for breakfast then headed to Habourfront to get my cam stuff.

which turns out to be a rather bad one.
i thought that there wasn't any need for us to pay any service-charge actually,
because there was no service.
Let me share my FANTASTIC experience there just now.
We were waiting outside Secret Recipe to be seated, then this waitress showed us to
our seat with a glum-my face.
Okay, nvm nvm. After for like 10 mins or so, no one came to serve us,
then I've to like walk to the person to tell her we want to order our cakes.
best part, after we finished our cake, we wanted bill,
i called out for the waitress, not once, but few times,
from talking-volume to 'shouting'-volume, she chose to ignore us.
So now I'm left with all really 'good memories' there.

It just so happen that both of us wanted the same slippers, so we bought it!
Yay hey.
Derrick oh derrick~ lols.
this promoter who attended to us just now, veryveryvery adorable! ;p

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