she was practicing her skates at the void deck.
she taught me skates! hahas.
*Like finally after so many requests.
I fell down twice!
the first fall was damn damn painful.
i was skating slowly towards the wall when i lost my balance and fall right into my face.
Jiejie was laughing like siao -.-
i look like i've fell asleep on the floor.
my knees and elbows landed onto the floor with a loud knock, seriously very painful ):
then i continue practicing,
with my noisy sister singing high pitch songs .
i don't know why i cannot balance myself when i hear her singing
(i told her, but she continue singing.lols)
the second fall was on the way back home.
i fell backwards, sitting down. Surprisingly, my butt doesn't hurt at all ! heh!
Then we passed by this house, with fierce dog inside,
and that dog was still barking softly when we went pass their house -.-
i'm like damn gan chiong, move my legs as fast as possible,
cos my sister was like saying :
eh faster faster! they opening the door (to let the dogs out).
Over all the little humps on the road as well as down the little slope was really scary.
jiejie damn funny, she went hugging me from behind, carrying me down the slope.
we kept laughing lo.

Just now went bukit batok central get some grocceries,
and i met Kaiting and Yihan!
don't know why, just felt happy to see them(:
and i met Kaiting and Yihan!
don't know why, just felt happy to see them(:
there's a special trend in my life;
the smaller i met, the happier i get.
the smaller i met, the happier i get.
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