Our Chalet! Overnights with your classmate can really make you know then more, and bond with them more! (: Picture speaks a Thousand words. so let the pictures speak then!
In the one-hour tour shuttle bus. Long story. hahas.
Xiao ling and I! She's the sweet girl who taught me Majong!
Qimeng wearing her shoe! hahas.
Banzhang 是名不虚传的音乐播放机. lols. he knows almost every song!
Let's get HIGH! (:
shuting,jueying and i (:
mingxia! (she also taught me some majong during the first night.hahas.)
&Qimeng. I got to know her more in the chalet, she's really a nice friend (:
& xiaoling!
xiaoling using my cam to zi lian! hahas.
he definitely loves dancing.LOLS. (i think so.)
The UNO group.
The poker card group.
& yanjin, my best see-SG partner. hahas.
& sharon! (the very-skinny-but-always-say-she's-fat girl.hahas.)
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