Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Your happiness is before you, not behind you. Cherish it!

This is my fortune cookie for today. (:

Had a pretty long day today.
Early in the morning,
thank you those who came for the meeting.
I really got a taste of how is it to synchronize a group of people
in completing some tasks.
For those who helped me out just now,
they are appreciated! (:

Then cont. lang project.
I finally know why I got C for my arts during secondary school.
Seriously, my creativity level should be around zero I guess. :p
More to complete for tomorrow, JIAYOUUUUU JIEXIN!

u'n fkls qw xglrrws die lqgukw hyar biq.
u fir ri jbiq tiy niew, qguxg qla fiis.
u sib'r qlbr nlexg ri xinw ai aiib. ):

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