Monday, July 2, 2012


reached susie's place!
come on, let's do some baking. 

the blueberry muffin mix.

and into the oven!

"do not eat the raw batter." LOOK AT WHAT MS JY IS DOING. LOL!
the BERRY muffin.

chocolate chip muffin!

brownie brownie!

susie's brother's son. lol. 她是姑姑了~

 he's super super super cute.
totally not afraid of strangers. haha
i wanted to carry him home, and he was like "OK". 


let's bring some home.

(top L-R: Wanxin, Jingyi ; bottom L-R: ME!, Susie)
isn't she pretty? (: ER HEM, NOT REFERRING TO SUSIE ah. HAHAH!

SO FUN, like so many kids running around in the house. (:

this was a timer-continuous shot.
notice only Wanxin's facial expression is changing. lol.
and she changes really fast,
cos the in btw speed of the 3 shots was like "chik chik chik",
less than one sec. hahahaha.

Okay, these pictures below are damn funny too.
Notice Wanxin again.

don't she look like she was hit by the little boy's head,
and she was like SMILE-OH-AHHHH. hahah!

saw this in Susie's room.
a letter i wrote to her way back in secondary school days.
she pasted it on her wall, so sweet right. (:

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